
This application software was developed by The High Voltage Laboratory within the Electrical Sustainable Power Lab headed by the DC Energy & Storage (DCE&S) Research Group of The Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty of The Technical University of Delft, Netherlands.

The authorship of this development is held by
Dr. L.C. (Luis Carlos) Castro Heredia*
E-mail          L.C.CastroHeredia@tudelft.nl; luiscarlosf_22@hotmail.com
Office           B36-LB 03.840
Telephone   +31 15 27 86210

Luis Carlos Castro was born in Cali, Colombia in 1986. He received the Bachelor and PhD degree in electrical engineering from Universidad del Valle, Cali, in 2009 and 2015 respectively. His PhD studies were partly funded by a forgivable loan issued by the scholarship “Doctorados Nacionales Francisco Jose de Caldas” – Colciencias (Colombia) and developed within the Energy Conversion Research Group Convergia – Universidad del Valle. Currently, he is  a post-doc in the Electrical Sustainable Energy Department at Delft University of Technology, in Delft, The Netherlands. He is also active member of the research group Convergia. His research interests include accelerated aging of stator insulation, monitoring and diagnostic tests and partial discharge measurements.

Dr. A. (Armando) Rodrigo Mor
E-mail          A.RodrigoMor@tudelft.nl
Office           B36-LB 03.480
Telephone   +31 15 27 85342

Armando Rodrigo Mor is an Industrial Engineer from Universitat Politècnica de València, in Valencia, Spain, with a Ph.D. degree from this university in electrical engineering. During many years he has been working at the High Voltage Laboratory and Plasma Arc Laboratory of the Instituto de Tecnología Eléctrica in Valencia, Spain. Since 2013 he is an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Sustainable Energy Department at Delft University of Technology, in Delft, The Netherlands. His research interests include monitoring and diagnostic, sensors for high voltage applications, high voltage engineering, and HVDC.

Fabio Andres Muñoz Muñoz (fabio.a.munoz@correounivalle.edu.co) from the Energy Conversion Research Group (CONVERGIA) of the Universidad del Valle, Colombia.