
Here you can download a set of raw data examples in the different formats that can be read by PDflex.

 The purpose is to provide data the user can interact with and get familiar with PD pulse waveforms. Although they are meant to be illustrative data, the file name provides some information of the nature of the data.


Surface PD data set with disturbances, false triggers and low SNR

Surface_PD_noise1538 kBSurface PD measured in a test cell at +10kVDC and -10kVDC. The data set features signals with disturbances, false triggers or low SNR
Some signals show overflowing values at the end of the acquisition, this is added due to the settings of the scope and therefore they must be removed or ignored if you are processing this data set.

—— 2020-04-13——-

Data sets used in paper “Method for Recognition of Partial Discharge Signals in Impaired Datasets Using Cumulative Energy Signatures”

Impaired dataset 118446 kBmatrix [4713x2564]
Impaired dataset 220933 kBmatrix [5000x2564]
Impaired dataset 321015 kBmatrix [5000x2564]

—— 2019-01-30——-

Datasets ESPCI-TUDelft

File SizeComments
dataset290000 kB
dataset3715000 kBdatasets from PD under impulses
dataset494000 kBPD from GIS
dataset from HFCT 2199000 kBsignals from HFCT 2

—— 2018-08-08——-

Data sets used in “Density-based Clustering Methods for Unsupervised Separation of Partial Discharge Sources”.

data_set508 kB 6 data sets that were used to test the DPC method.
115 kBMatlab implementation code.
release notes2 kBbrief user manual to use the implementation code.

—— 2017-11-07——-

Examples in .mat format

coronas_surface_Fs_200MSs653 kBSource: surface discharges and two forms of corona discharges. The sampling rate Fs has to be set to 200MSs.
square_pulses_100pC_Fs_1GSs1 kBSource: three square pulses all normalized to have a charge of 100pC. The sampling rate Fs has to be set to 1GSs.

Examples in .bin format
Corona_FloatingElectrode10477 kBSource: Coronas and discharges from a floating electrode.
Corona_FreeMovingParticle12538 kBSource: Coronas and discharges from a free-moving particle.
Surface_Corona13842 kBSource: Coronas and surface discharges.

Examples in .wfm format
10pC706 kBPulses from a PD calibrator recorded by a HFCT with a bandwidth of 35kHz-60MHz.
100pC1071 kBPulses from a PD calibrator recorded by a HFCT with a bandwidth of 35kHz-60MHz.
2000pC495 kBPulses from a PD calibrator recorded by a HFCT with a bandwidth of 35kHz-60MHz.
Positive corona62149 kBCorona discharges.
Surface discharges2968 kBSurface discharges.
Internal discharges24826 kBInternal discharges.
Internal discharges1791 kBInternal discharges.
Internal and surface discharges14300 kBInternal discharges.
Floating electrode discharges12832 kBDischarges from a floating electrode.
Free moving particle discharges3615 kBDischarges from a metallic particle that is free to move in an electric field.